torstai 18. lokakuuta 2007

Weather in Savonlinna

Is it raining or snowing, hot or call, windy .... how to dress on !!

4 kommenttia:

capteri kirjoitti...

9.10.2007 today's weather:
At 7.00am, it was dark and pretty cold and cloudy.The temperature is around +8'C.About 2hours later the sun rised up but only for 3hours or less. Now it's cloudy and windy as well. I might say that the weather is grey like all ways in autums.

Unknown kirjoitti...

The day was dark and a bit foggy. At 10.00am the temperature was about +8'C. In the evening(at 5.00pm) it was +5 degrees.

asdf kirjoitti...

Very nice :)

Unknown kirjoitti...

Weather today changed several times. On the morning it rained and the temperature was about 4'C. But after 11 o'clock it started getting lighter and the sun shined a couple of hours. It was quite windy, too. The weather is now getting colder and it rains occasionally. Maybe it is going to snow at the weekend.